Argentine Cuisine: Traditional Dishes You Must Try

Buenos Aires is much more than its vibrant culture and magnificent monuments; it's also a paradise for food lovers. The city's culinary scene is rich and diverse, offering a wide variety of traditional dishes that will tantalize your taste buds. In this guide, we will introduce you to the must-try dishes of Buenos Aires, those you simply can't miss during your visit. Get ready to savor authentic flavors and enjoy the Porteño culinary experience.

1. Asado

Asado is the king of Argentine cuisine and a deeply rooted tradition in the country's culture. This succulent grilled meat feast is a unique experience. Taste cuts like skirt steak, ribeye, or delicious sweetbreads, and accompany them with chimichurri, a typical sauce that enhances the meat's flavors.

asado argentino

2. Empanadas

Argentine empanadas are an irresistible treat. These delicious stuffed pastries are baked or fried and come in a variety of flavors, from beef and chicken to vegetables and cheese. Try different styles and discover your favorites.


3. Milanesa

Milanesa is a dish with Italian roots that has become a classic of Porteño cuisine. It consists of breaded and fried meat, usually beef, served with lemon and accompanied by French fries. It's a tasty and comforting option that will leave you satisfied.

4. Provoleta

If you're a cheese lover, you must try provoleta. It's a grilled provolone cheese that melts slowly and is served with a drizzle of olive oil and spices. It's a true delicacy that will make you savor every bite.

queso provoleta

5. Locro

Locro is a traditional Argentine dish, especially popular during the winter and patriotic celebrations. It's a kind of stew made with corn, pork, chorizo, pumpkin, and other ingredients. Its unique flavor will transport you to the history and tradition of the country.


6. Dulce de Leche

Dulce de leche is an Argentine delicacy used in a wide variety of desserts and sweets. It's a kind of soft and creamy caramel made from milk and sugar. Try alfajores filled with dulce de leche, pancakes with dulce de leche, or simply enjoy it spread on toast.

dulce de leche argentino

7. Medialunas

Medialunas are Argentine croissants, a classic for breakfast or afternoon tea. These flaky, slightly sweet delights are perfect with a coffee or mate. Try plain medialunas or the ones filled with dulce de leche for an even more indulgent experience.

medialunas argentinas

8. Pizza al molde

Pizza al molde is a unique Argentine pizza variant. It's baked in a deep dish, giving it a fluffy crust and a generous topping of cheese and fresh ingredients. Try a muzzarella pizza or a fugazza, a version with plenty of onions.


9. Pastelitos

Pastelitos are small pastries filled with quince jam, sweet potato jam, or dulce de leche. They are a traditional delight consumed on special occasions, such as Tradition Day. Enjoy these sweet bites and immerse yourself in Argentine tradition.

pastelitos argentinos

10. Helado

Argentines are known for their love of ice cream, and Buenos Aires is no exception to this passion. Find a traditional ice cream parlor and try classic flavors like dulce de leche, sambayón, or strawberry. Argentine ice cream is creamy and full of flavor, a true delight for the palate.


Conclusion: Buenos Aires is an unmissable culinary destination, and this guide has introduced you to the traditional dishes you must try during your visit. From the barbecue to the most tempting sweets, Porteño cuisine will provide you with an unforgettable culinary experience. Don't forget to explore local restaurants, grills, and street stalls to discover even more delights. Bon appétit, and enjoy the food in Buenos Aires!

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